Consumer Packaged Goods
Quick Serve Restaurants
Agencies & Media

Shoppers have changed the way they shop which means you should change the way you monitor their behaviours.

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“Get omnichannel insights in a world that has changed forever. With digital adoption of shopping growing at rates never seen before.”

“Get omnichannel insights in half the time it would usually take, with more channel coverage at a fraction of the cost.”


Consumers are constantly changing how and where they shop, it’s your job to ensure you stay on top of those shift in behaviours and it’s our job to ensure you have the tools you need to do so.

Brand Systems
Collateral & Print
Product Packaging
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Track promotions in an effective manner

Stay on top of the latest trends by monitoring share of wallet, product sizes and promotions across the industry.

Brand Systems
Collateral & Print
Product Packaging
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Reliable and actionable insights

Know which shoppers are important to reach and segment them based on their behaviours across all the channels.

Not just in your store.

Brand Systems
Collateral & Print
Product Packaging
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Wide and deeper coverage

Measure how the same shoppers that bought or buy from you behave when they go to your competitors.
By the number of trips, baskets value and size etc.

Changing the way you monitor your shoppers means understanding their behaviour outside of your shopping experience.

Shoppers today are very careful where and what they buy;  some are becoming more aware of what they put into their bodies; some only go to places that have the best prices. Either way, we are here to enhance your capability of knowing who those shoppers are.

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Churned shoppers monitoring

Discover which competitors are taking away your shoppers and what you need to do to get them back.

Omnichannel coverage

Figure out what they are buying from you in-store vs what they are buying from your competitors online.

On-demand Insights

Have near real-time access to the insights just so you are on top of things.
Understand which shoppers are doing what at which stores during which periods etc.

Grow your audience with Brandbook.

Reach out to us to help you grow your brand and
shoppers !
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Brandbook is a data and analytics platform that allows brands to understand their shoppers a bit better every day.